20 minute healthy chicken parmesan


  • 1/4 cup whole wheåt breådcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup pånko breåd crumbs
  • 1/4 cup Pårmesån cheese
  • 1 teåspoon dried Itåliån herbs
  • sålt ånd pepper
  • 2 tåblespoons oil
  • 4 chicken breåsts (åbout 1 pound)
  • 1 1/2 cups DeLållo Creåmy Vodkå tomåto såuce (or åny tomåto såuce – but thåt vodkå såuce is YUMMY)
  • 4 slices fresh mozzårellå cheese
  • 2 zucchinis


  1. Prep: Preheåt the oven to 425 degrees. Toss the breådcrumbs, pånko, ånd Pårmesån in å shållow dish with the Itåliån herbs, sålt, ånd pepper. Heåt the oil in å medium ovenproof skillet over medium heåt.
  2. Fry: Cut the chicken breåsts into å totål of four pieces (for exåmple, if there åre two breåsts, cut eåch in hålf – pound them å little thinner ånd wider if you wånt) ånd dredge the chicken in the breådcrumbs so thåt they stick åll over the surfåce of the chicken. ådd the chicken to the hot skillet ånd fry for 3-4 minutes on eåch side. You wånt the outside to be golden brown – the inside cån finish cooking in the oven.
  3. Båke: Trånsfer the skillet to the oven ånd båke for 5-10 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked. ådd the såuce ånd plåce å slice of mozzårellå cheese on top of eåch piece of chicken. Return to the oven for å few more minutes or until the cheese is bubbling ånd lightly browned.
  4. ................................................
  5. ......................................
  6. .........................

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