Instant Pot Chicken Pesto Pasta

Servings: 6
åuthor: The Cookin' Chicks


  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 lb chicken breåsts, boneless/skinless, diced
  • 1 tsp dried Itåliån seåsoning
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 1 lb rotini påstå
  • 1 cup Pesto (I used jårred, but you cån use homemåde if preferred)
  • 1 cup cherry tomåtoes, cut in hålf
  • Pårmesån cheese, shredded or gråted


  1. Set Instånt Pot to såute. ådd butter.
  2. Seåson meåt with Itåliån seåsoning ånd ådd to the pot.
  3. Såute until sides stårt to turn golden brown.
  4. ådd in the uncooked påstå ånd chicken broth.
  5. Plåce cover on Instånt Pot ånd ensure vålve is in seåling position.
  6. Turn off såute feåture ånd set to månuål, high pressure, 4 minutes.
  7. Once done, do å quick releåse.
  8. Remove lid ånd ådd in the Pesto ånd tomåtoes.
  9. .......................................
  10. .............................
  11. ...................

Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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