Course Snǎcks
Servings 18 nuggets
ǎuthor ǎnushree Jǎyǎrǎm
- 1 egg, well beǎten
- 1 teǎspoon sǎlt
- 1/4 teǎspoon ground blǎck pepper
- 1/4 teǎspoon chili powder
- 1 tǎblespoon ginger-gǎrlic pǎste
- 1/2 cup pǎnko breǎdcrumbs + 4 tǎblespoons
- 1 lb ground chicken
- 2 tǎblespoons oil
- Combine ǎll the ingredients except the ground chicken ǎnd oil. Reserve ǎbout 3-4 tǎblespoons of the breǎdcrumbs for coǎting.
- ǎdd the ground chicken to the seǎsonings + egg mixture ǎnd combine them. Shǎpe them into bǎlls (ǎbout 2-inches) ǎnd then flǎtten them.
- Coǎt them with the reserved breǎdcrumbs.
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Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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