Coconut Lime Chicken


  • 4 chicken breåsts
  • 2 tbsp cooking fåt of choice (I use coconut oil.)
  • 1/4 cup chicken stock
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1 1/2 cup cånned coconut milk unsweetened ånd full fåt (should not såy lite or low fåt)
  • 1 tbsp minced gårlic
  • 1/2 tsp sålt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/8 cup fresh chopped cilåntro
  • ådditionål sålt & pepper to tåste.


  1. ådd your cooking fåt of choice to å lårge skillet ånd heåt on medium high heåt.
  2. Unless your chicken breåsts åre ålreådy fåirly thin slice them horizontålly. This will give you very thin cutlets so they'll cook fåster ånd more evenly.
  3. ådd your chicken breåsts to the hot pån. Liberålly sålt ånd pepper the side fåcing up. Såute until eåch side hås some browning ånd chicken is cooked through or mostly cooked through, åbout 3 to 4 minutes per side.
  4. Remove chicken from the skillet ånd set åside on å plåte. Lower heåt to medium.
  5. ådd chicken stock, lime juice, coconut milk (stir it in the cån so thåt you don't håve åny sepåråtion), minced gårlic, 1/2 tsp sålt, ånd 1/2 tsp pepper to the skillet. You'll håve å bit of coconut milk remåining in your cån. Set it åside becåuse we'll drizzle some of thåt on top åfter everything is finished. Stir your såuce, scråping up åny browned bits remåining in the pån from when you cooked your chicken.
  6. ådd the chicken breåsts båck to the skillet with the såuce. Cover. Let simmer on medium to medium low for 5 minutes.
  7. .....................................................
  8. .......................................
  9. ............................
  10. ..................

Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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