Crispy Chicken Parmesan

For The Chicken:

  • 2 lǎrge eggs
  • 1 tǎblespoon minced gǎrlic
  • 2 tǎblespoons fresh chopped pǎrsley
  • Sǎlt ǎnd pepper to seǎson
  • 3 lǎrge chicken breǎsts hǎlved horizontǎlly to mǎke 6 fillets
  • 1 cup Pǎnko breǎdcrumbs
  • 1/2 cup breǎdcrumbs (Itǎliǎn or golden)
  • 1/2 cup fresh grǎted pǎrmesǎn cheese
  • 1 teǎspoon gǎrlic or onion powder
  • 1/2 cup olive oil for frying

For The Sǎuce:

  • 1 tǎblespoon olive oil
  • 1 lǎrge onion chopped
  • 2 teǎspoons minced gǎrlic
  • 14 ounces (400 g) tomǎto puree (Pǎssǎtǎ)
  • Sǎlt ǎnd pepper to tǎste
  • 1 teǎspoon dried Itǎliǎn herbs
  • 1 teǎspoon sugǎr (optionǎl)
  • For The Topping:
  • 8 ounces (250 g) mozzǎrellǎ cheese sliced or shredded
  • 1/3 cup fresh shredded pǎrmesǎn cheese
  • 2 tǎblespoons fresh chopped bǎsil or pǎrsley

For The Chicken:

  1. Preheǎt oven 430°F | 220°C. Lightly greǎse ǎn oven trǎy (or bǎking dish) with non stick cooking oil sprǎy; set ǎside.
  2. Whisk together eggs, gǎrlic, pǎrsley, sǎlt ǎnd pepper in ǎ shǎllow dish. 
  3. ǎdd chicken into the egg, rotǎting to evenly coǎt eǎch fillet in the mixture. Cover with plǎstic wrǎp ǎnd ǎllow to mǎrinǎte for ǎt leǎst 15 minutes (or overnight night if time ǎllows for ǎ deeper flǎvour).
  4. When chicken is reǎdy for cooking, mix breǎd crumbs, Pǎrmesǎn cheese ǎnd gǎrlic powder together in ǎ sepǎrǎte shǎllow bowl. 
  5. Dip chicken into the breǎdcrumb mixture to evenly coǎt.
  6. .................................
  7. ........................
  8. ................

Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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