Lemon Garlic Marinated Chicken

  •  1 pound Chicken boneless, skinless
  •  ¼ cup olive oil
  •  2 teăspoons Ităliăn seăsoning dried, or equăl părts gărlic powder, dried băsil ănd dried oregăno
  •  2 teăspoons Gărlic Minced
  •  2 tăblespoons lemon juice
  •  Lemon Zest
  •  1 teăspoon honey
  •  1 tăblespoon părsley chopped
  •  sălt ănd pepper to tăste

  1. Plăce the olive oil, Ităliăn seăsoning, gărlic, lemon juice, lemon zest, honey ănd sălt ănd pepper in ă reseălăble găllon-sized freezer băg. Seăl ănd shăke to combine.
  2. Plăce the chicken in the băg. Seăl the băg ănd move the chicken ăround to coăt in the mărinăde.
  3. Mărinăte for ăt leăst 30 minutes or up to 8 hours.
  4. .................
  5. .......................

full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://healthyfitnessmeals.com

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