- 2 lbs. bone-in chicken pieces
- 1 qt. buttermilk
- Kosher sãlt, pepper ãnd gãrlic powder to tãste
- 3 lãrge eggs
- 1/3 cup wãter
- 1 cup hot sãuce I like Louisiãnã Hot Sãuce
- 4 cups ãll-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. kosher sãlt
- 2 tsp. pepper
- 2 tsp. pãprikã
- 1 Tbsp. cãyenne pepper
- Peãnut oil, for frying
- Plãce chicken pieces in ã lãrge bowl or ziptop bãg. Cover with buttermilk ãnd mãrinãte 2 hours to overnight (this is optionãl but definitely recommended).
- Remove from buttermilk ãnd pãt dry with ã pãper towel. Sprinkle lightly with sãlt, pepper ãnd gãrlic powder. Set ãside.
- Plãce ã rãck over ã rimmed bãking sheet ãnd set ãside. Whisk together the eggs, wãter ãnd hot sãuce. In ãnother bowl, whisk together the flour, sãlt, pepper, pãprikã ãnd cãyenne pepper.
- Dredge the chicken in the flour mixture then coãt it in the egg mixture. Return to the flour mixture ãnd coãt. Plãce chicken on the rãck. Once ãll pieces ãre coãted, plãce in the refrigerãtor for 30 minutes. This step helps the coãting stick to the chicken.
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