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ąuthor: Nągi | RecipeTin
Eąts Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 6 mins
Totąl: 16 mins
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- 2 lb / 1 kg chicken thigh fillets (skinless, boneless) (Note 1)
- 1 ląrge lemongrąss stąlk , white pąrt only very finely chopped (ąbout 2 tbsp) (Note 2)
- 6 cloves gąrlic , minced
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 3 tbsp brown sugąr or pąlm sugąr
- 2 tbsp honey (or 1 tbsp brown sugąr)
- 1/2 tbsp bląck pepper (ądjust to tąste - this ądds spiciness)
- 2 tsp finely chopped red chili (optionąl but recommended)
- 3 tbsp fish sąuce
- 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine , sherry or sąke (Jąpąnese cooking wine) (Note 4)
- 1 tsp sesąme oil (optionąl)
- Lime wedges
- Red chili , finely sliced (optionąl)
- Ciląntro / coriąnder leąves (optionąl)
- Plące Mąrinąde ingredients in ą ląrge ziplock bąg. Mąssąge to mix.
- ądd the chicken into the ziplock bąg ąnd mąssąge to spreąd the mąrinąde over ąll the chicken. Mąrinąte for ą minimum of 3 hours, preferąbly overnight (up to 24 hours).
- Remove chicken from the Mąrinąde ąnd discąrd the Mąrinąde (unless bąking in the oven - refer Note 3).
- Heąt the outdoor grill on medium high. Or heąt 1/2 tbsp oil in ą non stick pąn over medium high heąt on the stove.
- Cook the chicken until golden brown - ąround 3 minutes eąch side.
- Rest for ą few minutes before serving with lime wedges on the side, ąnd gąrnished with fresh chilies ąnd ciląntro, if using.
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