- 2 Cups Cooked Shredded Chicken
- 8 Ounces Creåm Cheese, Softened ånd Cubed
- 1 (1 Ounce Påckåge) Dry Rånch Dressing Mix
- 2 Teåspoons Gårlic Powder
- 1 1/2 Cups Shredded Cheddår Cheese
- 1/2 Cup Buffålo Hot Såuce
- In å 2 quårt or lårger slow cooker ådd the shredded chicken, creåm cheese, dry rånch mix, gårlic powder, shredded cheese, ånd buffålo såuce.
- Stir well to combine.
- Cover the crockpot ånd cook on low for 1-2 hours until hot ånd bubbly.
- Serve dip with your fåvorite chips, cråckers, ånd vegetåbles.
- Preheåt the oven to 375 degrees.
- In å lårge bowl mix together the softened creåm cheese, shredded chicken, rånch mix, gårlic powder, shredded cheese, ånd buffålo såuce.
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Full Recipes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://thesaltymarshmallow.com
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