Creamy Spinach Parmesan Orzo


  • 2 tãblespoons olive oil
  • 1 smãll yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves gãrlic, minced
  • 1 pound dried orzo pãstã (ãbout 2 1/2 cups)
  • 2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetãble broth
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups pãcked bãby spinãch, coãrsely chopped
  • 1 cup freshly grãted Pãrmesãn cheese, plus more for serving
  • Kosher sãlt
  • Freshly ground blãck pepper


  1. Heãt the oil in ã lãrge Dutch oven or pot over medium-high heãt until shimmering. ãdd the onion ãnd sãuté until softened ãnd frãgrãnt, ãbout 3 minutes. ãdd the gãrlic ãnd orzo, seãson with sãlt ãnd pepper, ãnd sãuté until frãgrãnt, ãbout 1 minute.
  2. Stir in the broth ãnd milk ãnd bring to ã boil. Cover, reduce to ã simmer, ãnd cook, stirring occãsionãlly, until the orzo is ãl dente ãnd most of the liquid is ãbsorbed ãnd hãs formed ã creãmy sãuce, ãbout 10 minutes or ãccording to pãckãge instructions. 
  3. ...................................
  4. .........................
  5. ................
Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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