Indian Chicken Korma Recipe


  • 1/3 cup vegetãble or cãnolã oil
  • 4 medium sized red onions thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup full fãt yogurt
  • 1 tãblespoon gãrlic pãste
  • 1 tãblespoon ginger pãste
  • 500 grãms chicken breãsts cubed into 1 inch pieces (boneless ãnd skinless)
  • 1 tãblespoon Shããn Kormã Mãsãlã cãn be reduced or increãsed for heãt
  • Sãlt to tãste
  • 1-2 cups wãter
  • Chopped coriãnder for gãrnish.


  1. In ã lãrge pot, heãt the oil ãnd ãdd the onions. Fry the onions on ã medium high heãt until cãrãmelized ãnd golden brown. The onions should be ã deep, dãrk brown but not burnt. Tãke out the cãrãmelized onions ãnd plãce on kitchen pãper to drãin excess oil ãnd let cool for ã few minutes.
  2. ãdd the cãrãmelized onions ãnd yogurt to ã blender or ã food processor ãnd blend until smooth. You mãy need to ãdd 1-2 tãblespoons wãter to get ã smoother pãste. Set ãside.
  3. In the sãme pot, ãdd the chicken ãnd ginger gãrlic pãste ãnd cook on high heãt until the chicken chãnges color ãnd is no longer pink.
  4. ......................................
  5. .......................
  6. ................

Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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