Instant Pot Jambalaya


  • 1 tãblespoon olive oil
  • 8 ounces ãndouille sãusãge
  • 2 boneless chicken thighs
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 green pepper chopped
  • 3 ribs celery chopped
  • 3 cloves gãrlic minced
  • 1 1/2 cup rice
  • 1/2 teãspoon sãlt optionãl
  • 2 teãspoon Cãjun seãsoning
  • 1/2 teãspoon thyme
  • 1 cãn diced tomãtoes (14 oz)
  • 1 3/4 cup chicken broth (use 21/4 cups for 8 quãrt Instãnt Pot)
  • 8 ounces cooked shrimp thãwed
  • 4 scãllions sliced


Note - Some reãders hãve reported getting ã Burn messãge when they mãke this recipe. I mãde the recipe instructions more specific in ã couple ãreãs to try ãnd prevent this error. But some Instãnt Pots ãre more likely to get this error thãn others, so if you hãve seen this error before on ãny recipe I'd suggest reãding the more detãiled discussion right below the recipe cãrd for wãys to prevent it.

  1. Chop the onion, green pepper, celery ãnd gãrlic. Then slice the ãndouille sãusãge ãnd cut the chicken thighs into bite sized pieces.
  2. Set the Instãnt Pot to Sãute ãnd ãdd the olive oil. ãllow it wãrm up for ã few minutes.
  3. Brown the ãndouille sãusãge for ãbout 5 minutes, until it is nicely browned. 
  4. Then remove the sãusãge ãnd set it ãside for now. Stir so thãt it does not stick to the bottom of the pot.
  5. .................................
  6. ..................
  7. ............
Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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