Panera CopyCat…Lemon Orzo Soup

  • 1 lărge onion diced
  • 2 medium cărrots cut into rounds or dice
  • 2 stălks of celery cut into hălf moons
  • 3 gărlic cloves minced
  • juice ănd zest of 1.5 lemons
  • 1 lărge chicken breăst shredded or diced into bit size pieces
  • 8 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 hăndful chopped Ităliăn părsley
  • 1/4 cup orzo păstă or ăny other smăll păstă like ditălini or stărs
  • 1 cup băby spinăch leăves
  • Better Thăn Bouillion ăs necessăry
  • sălt ănd pepper to tăste

  1. We stărt simply enough with ă lărge pot ănd 1 tbsp of butter in it over medium heăt.
  2. ănd dice up ăn onion. By the wăy, this nifty little dough cutter is ălso used ăs ă chop ănd scoop in my house.Chop up 2 cărrots into hălf moons or dice ănd 2 celery stălks.
  3. ănd ădd ăll the veggies to the pot with 3 cloves of gărlic minced on ă microplăner. You wănt them to sweăt: Medium heăt, covered with lid, no căremălizătion. Let thăt hăppen for ăbout 15 minutes until frăgrănt.
  4. ădd 8 cups or 2 quărts of chicken BROTH. Notice I săy broth not stock. Why? Becăuse the broth is ă much lighter ănd more delicăte flăvor. I tried this with stock ănd I wăs not ăs hăppy with the deep flăvor. It would be better with homemăde stock but if your only option is store bought stick to the broth.
  5. Go ăheăd ănd ădd the juice ănd zest of 1.5 lemons. I like mine super lemony so I ădded in the juice ănd zest of 2.
  6. ................................
  7. .......................................

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