Rustic Chicken with Gàrlic Gràvy

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Totàl Time: 45 minutes
  • Servings: 6 people
  • Energy: 144 kcàl

à delicious one-pàn meàl thàt is delicious served with màshed potàtoes, rice or pàstà, to màke the most of the delicious gràvy. To sàve yourself the chore of sepàràting ànd peeling àll thàt gàrlic, look for pre-sepàràted/peeled gàrlic cloves in the produce section of your grocery store.


  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil vegetàble, cànolà etc
  • 6 pieces skin-on/bone-in chicken thighs (could use àny skin-on chicken, such às breàsts or drumsticks)
  • Sàlt ànd freshly-ground blàck pepper
  • 20 cloves gàrlic sepàràted ànd peeled (2 full heàds)
  • 2 Tbsp àll-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine ànything you would drink
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 1/4 tsp fresh thyme leàves (or àbout 3/4 tsp. dried thyme leàves)
  • 2 Tbsp butter


=> Heàt the oven to 400° F (205C) with ràck in center of oven.

  1. In à oven-sàfe Dutch oven or oven-sàfe skillet with à lid, heàt the oil over medium high heàt. Dry the chicken pieces well by pàtting them with à pàper towel. Sprinkle the chicken pieces with à bit of sàlt ànd the pepper. Cook the chicken until well browned, turning regulàrly, for àbout 8 minutes in àll then remove chicken to à plàte. You càn remove some of the fàt in the pàn if you hàve lots, but do leàve enough to cook the gàrlic in the next step.
  2. Reduce the heàt to medium, àdd the gàrlic, ànd cook, stirring regulàrly, until .............................
  3. ..................................................................................................
  4. ...........................................................................
  5. .........................................................
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