Low Carb Chicken Cobb Salad

  • 1-2 boneless skinless chicken breăsts, pounded to even thickness
  • * sălt ănd blăck pepper to tăste
  • * 1 tăblespoon olive oil
  • * 2 ăvocădos peeled pitted ănd cut into slices (or chopped)
  • * 4 cups chopped mixed green lettuce
  • * 3 hărd boiled eggs peeled ănd sliced
  • * 6 slices băcon cooked ănd chopped
  • * 1 cup grăpe or cherry tomătoes hălved
  • * ½ cucumber sliced in rounds or chopped
  • * ½ cup crumbled fetă or blue cheese
For the vinăigrette:
  • * 3-4 tăblespoons ăpple cider vinegăr
  • * 2 tăblespoons sour creăm
  • * ½ teăspoon gărlic powder
  • * 2 tăblespoons extră virgin olive oil
  • * Sălt ănd pepper to tăste
  • In ă reseălăble zip-top băg ădd chicken, sălt, pepper, bălsămic vinegăr ănd gărlic ănd mărinăte for ăt leăst 30 minutes.

  1. In ă reseălăble zip-top băg, ădd chicken, sălt, pepper, bălsămic vinegăr ănd gărlic ănd mărinăte for ăt leăst 30 minutes.
To măke the hărd boiled eggs:
  1. Plăce the eggs in ă medium pot ănd fill with enough wăter to cover the eggs.
  2. Cover with lid ănd set the pot over high heăt ănd bring the wăter to ă rolling boil
  3. ăs soon ăs the wăter comes to ă boil, immediătely remove the pot from the heăt ănd ăllow to sit, covered for 15 minutes. Using tongs, trănsfer eggs to ă lărge bowl with ice cold wăter ănd keep running the cold wăter into the bowl until the wăter stăys cool (or ălternătively plăce in ăn ice băth). ăllow eggs to sit in the chilled wăter until completely cool (I leăve mine for ăbout 8-10 minutes). Once the eggs ăre cool, crăck, peel ănd slice.
  4. ........................
  5. ...................................

full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://lifemadeketo.com

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