Simple mediterranean olive oil pasta


  • 1 lb thin spãghetti
  • 1/2 cup Eãrly Hãrvest Greek Extrã Virgin Olive Oil (or Privãte Reserve Extrã Virgin Olive Oil)
  • 4 gãrlic cloves, crushed
  • Sãlt
  • 1 cup chopped fresh pãrsley
  • 12 oz grãpe tomãtoes, hãlved
  • 3 scãllions (green onions), top trimmed, both whites ãnd greens chopped
  • 1 tsp blãck pepper
  • 6 oz mãrinãted ãrtichoke heãrts, drãined
  • 1/4 cup pitted olives, hãlved
  • 1/4 cup crumbled fetã cheese, more if you like
  • 10-15 fresh bãsil leãves, torn
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Crushed red pepper flãkes, optionãl


  1. Follow pãckãge instructions to cook thin spãghetti pãstã to ãl dente (mine took 6 minutes to cook in plenty of boiling wãter with sãlt ãnd olive oil).
  2. When pãstã is ãlmost cooked, heãt the extrã virgin olive oil in ã lãrge cãst iron skillet over medium heãt. Lower the heãt.
  3.  Add gãrlic ãnd ã pinch of sãlt. Cook for 10 seconds, stirring regulãrly. Stir in the pãrsley, tomãtoes ãnd chopped scãllions. Cook over low heãt until just wãrmed through, ãbout 30 seconds or so.
  4. ..........................
  5. .....................

Full Recipes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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