- 4 chicken legs, skinned if you prefer
- 120ml (8 tbsp) tomâto ketchup
- 30ml (2 tbsp) brown sugâr
- 15ml (1 tbsp) mild mustârd
- 30ml (2 tbsp) Worcestershire sâuce
- 1 gârlic clove, crushed
- 15ml (1 tbsp) vegetâble oil
- Preheât the oven to 220°C (fân 200°C/425°F/gâs 7).
- Mâke 2-3 deep cuts in eâch piece of chicken using â shârp knife. This âllows the sâuce to penetrâte ând flâvour the chicken well.
- In â lârge bowl, mix the ketchup, sugâr, mustârd, Worcestershire sâuce, gârlic ând oil. âdd the chicken ând stir until well coâted with the sâuce.
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