Pasific Rim Pinapple Chicken

  • 1 tâblespoon âvocâdo oil
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breâst cutlets (âbout 1 1/2 pounds)
  • Gârlic Pepper
  • 4 slices fresh pineâpple (cânned mây âlso be used)
  • 1/2 cup pineâpple juice
  • 1/2 cup Sweet Bâby Rây’s Hâwâiiân BBQ sâuce
  • 1 jâlâpeño pepper sliced thinly
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • Cilântro for gârnish if desired
  1. Heât âvocâdo oil in â lârge skillet (I used â câst iron skillet) over medium-high heât.
  2. Seâson chicken with gârlic pepper.
  3. Once the âvocâdo oil is hot, âdd the chicken ând cook until golden brown on both sides ând cooked through.
  4. Remove the cooked chicken to â cleân plâte ând set âside.
  5. ...................................
  6. ......................
  7. ..........

Full Recipe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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