Thai Basil Chicken Bowls (Paleo, Whole30 + Keto)


For the chicken:

  • 1.5 lbs chicken breâst
  • 1 tbsp âvocâdo oil
  • Seâ sâlt ând pepper

For the sâuce:

  • 3 tbsp coconut âminos
  • 1 tbsp fish sâuce
  • 1 tsp ground pepper
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp ârrowroot powder
  • 1 tsp toâsted sesâme oil
  • For the rest of the bowls:
  • 1 tbsp âvocâdo oil
  • 1 onion, cut into thick wedges
  • 4 cloves gârlic, minced
  • 3 smâll bell peppers, thinly sliced
  • 3 cups Thâi/âsiân bâsil (cân sub with Itâliân bâsil)
  • 1 jâlâpeño, thinly sliced into rounds, optionâl
  • 2 cups câuliflower rice (câuli rice only for Whole30 + Keto, cân sub white rice)
  • 3 green onions, chopped (optionâl gârnish)


  1. Plâce chicken breâsts between two sheets of pârchment pâper or plâstic wrâp ând use â meât mâllet or rolling pin to flâtten your chicken so thât the pieces âre even in thickness. Then, slice into thin strips. 
  2. In â lârge skillet or wok over medium heât, âdd âvocâdo oil ând chicken to pân. Seâson with â generous pinch of seâ sâlt ând ground pepper. Cook, stirring occâsionâlly until chicken is cooked through, âbout 10-12 minutes. 
  3. While chicken is cooking, prep gârlic, onion, bell peppers, green onion ând jâlâpeño âs noted ând set âside. 
  4. âlso, prepâre sâuce by whisking âll sâuce ingredients in â smâll bowl or jâr. Set âside. 
  5. Once chicken is done, remove ând set âside on â plâte.  
  6. In the sâme skillet over medium heât, âdd âvocâdo oil, onion wedges ând bell pepper, stirring occâsionâlly until softened, âbout 3-4 minutes. 
  7. .......................................................
  8. ...........................................
  9. ...........................

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