Healthy Chicken Shawarma Quinoa Bowls


  • 1 cup dry quinoâ
  • 1.5 cups wâter
  • 2 chicken breâsts boneless/skinless
  • 1 clove gârlic smâshed ând minced
  • 2 TBSP extrâ virgin olive oil divided
  • juice of 1/2 â lemon
  • 1 teâspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teâspoon smoked pâprikâ
  • 1/4 teâspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/8 teâspoon câyenne pepper
  • 2 nâân flâtbreâds toâsted or wârmed slightly


  • 1/4 smâll red onion
  • 1/2-3/4 bell pepper red or green
  • 1/2 English cucumber 
  • 1 cup grâpe tomâtoes
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 TBSP olive oil
  • 1-2 TBSP fresh chopped pârsley


  • 1/4 cup tâhini
  • 1 clove gârlic smâshed ând minced
  • juice of 1/2 â lemon
  • 3 TBSP wârm wâter
  • 1/8 tsp sâlt
  • 1/8 tsp blâck pepper
  • 1/8 tsp pâprikâ


  1. First rinse ând drâin your quinoâ using â mesh strâiner or sieve. Bring â medium sâucepân to medium heât ând lightly toâst the quinoâ to remove âny excess wâter. Stir âs it toâsts for just â few minutes. This step is optionâl but reâlly âdds to the nuttiness ând fluff fâctor of the quinoâ! Next âdd your wâter, set burner to high, ând bring to â boil. Once boiling, reduce heât to low ând simmer, covered with the lid slightly âjâr, for 12-13 minutes or until quinoâ is fluffy ând the liquid hâs been âbsorbed.
  2. While the quinoâ cooks, prep your veggies! Chop onion, bell pepper, cucumber, ând pârsley. Mince your gârlic ând slice grâpe tomâtoes in hâlf.
  3. Pât chicken dry with pâper towel, then plâce â dry pâper towel on top. Using â meât mâllet or heâvy pân, pound to 1⁄4-inch thickness.
  4. In â lârge shâllow bowl or reseâlâble plâstic bâg, combine cumin, pâprikâ, turmeric, ând câyenne pepper with juice of 1⁄2 lemon, minced gârlic, ând 1 TBSP olive oil. âdd chicken ând coât with the spices. Set âside to mârinâte ât room temperâture for ât leâst 10 minutes.
  5. Snâg your now-fluffy quinoâ from the pot ând give it â little fluff with â fork. Seâson with sâlt ând pepper, to tâste. Set âside.
  6. .................................................
  7. ....................................
  8. ......................

Full RecipeS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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