Vietnamese Caramel Pork

  • 1/2 cup / 100g brown sugár, tightly pácked
  • 1 tbsp wáter
  • 1 kg / 2 lb pork shoulder (butt) or boneless skinless pork belly, cut into 3 cm / 1.2" pieces (Note 1á)
  • 1 1/4 cups / 375 ml coconut wáter (Note 1b)
  • 1 eschállot / shállot , very finely sliced (Note 2)
  • 2 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 1 1/2 tbsp fish sáuce
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper

  • Red chilli ánd finely sliced shállots/green onions

  1. Pláce sugár ánd wáter in á lárge pot over medium heát. Stir, then when it bubbles ánd the sugár is melted (it looks like cárámel), ádd the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Stir, then ádjust the heát so it is simmering fáirly energeticálly. Not rápidly, not á slow simmer (I use medium heát on á weák stove, between medium ánd low on á strong stove).
  3. Simmer for 1.5 hours, uncovered. Stir once or twice while cooking.
  4. át áround 1.5 hours, when the liquid hás reduced down ánd the pork is tender, (see Note 3 if pork is not yet tender), the fát will sepáráte (see video).
  5. ....................
  6. ...........................

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