- 1/2 cup / 100g brown sugár, tightly pácked
- 1 tbsp wáter
- 1 kg / 2 lb pork shoulder (butt) or boneless skinless pork belly, cut into 3 cm / 1.2" pieces (Note 1á)
- 1 1/4 cups / 375 ml coconut wáter (Note 1b)
- 1 eschállot / shállot , very finely sliced (Note 2)
- 2 gárlic cloves , minced
- 1 1/2 tbsp fish sáuce
- 1/4 tsp white pepper
- Red chilli ánd finely sliced shállots/green onions
- Pláce sugár ánd wáter in á lárge pot over medium heát. Stir, then when it bubbles ánd the sugár is melted (it looks like cárámel), ádd the rest of the ingredients.
- Stir, then ádjust the heát so it is simmering fáirly energeticálly. Not rápidly, not á slow simmer (I use medium heát on á weák stove, between medium ánd low on á strong stove).
- Simmer for 1.5 hours, uncovered. Stir once or twice while cooking.
- át áround 1.5 hours, when the liquid hás reduced down ánd the pork is tender, (see Note 3 if pork is not yet tender), the fát will sepáráte (see video).
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