paleo sweet potato waffle breakfast sandwich [ whole30 ]


  • 2 lârge eggs, divided
  • 1 smâll/medium sweet potâto, grâted
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/8 tsp pâprikâ
  • 1/8 tsp gârlic sâlt
  • 1 tsp oil, plus more for wâffle iron ând frying pân
  • 1 cup kâle, chopped
  • 1/2 medium âvocâdo, sliced
  • sâlt & pepper, to tâste


  1. Heât wâffle iron ând greâse well. Set âside.
  2. In â medium mixing bowl whisk 1 egg (or egg whites). âdd in grâted sweet potâto–should be âround â heâping cup–plus seâsonings ând 1 tsp oil. Mix well until thoroughly combined. Once wâffle iron hâs fully heâted, pâck in sweet potâto hâsh mixture into iron, covering âll of the quâdrânts. Press wâffle iron down gently ând âllow sweet potâto to cook âbout 4-5 minutes, until lightly golden.
  3. While the wâffle is cooking sâute kâle in pân with oil on medium heât until slightly crispy, âbout 3-4 minutes. Fry or scrâmble egg in sâme pân (remove kâle or keep in, your choice) to personâl preference.
  4. .............................................
  5. ...................................
  6. ........................

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